4 Factors Affecting CSAT and Shopper Experience

Gladly Team

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“Good customer service is the backbone of a successful business” isn’t just an expression — it’s a fundamental truth. Microsoft’s Global Customer Service survey confirms this, revealing that 95% of consumers consider customer service essential in dictating brand loyalty. Positive customer service experiences fuel repeat patronage, customer retention, and cost-effective customer acquisition. Moreover, good word-of-mouth — resulting from elevated customer satisfaction — drives an estimated $6 trillion in consumer spending annually.

So if customer service really is the make-or-break of your brand’s success, what factors affect your customer satisfaction (CSAT) score? We analyzed a comprehensive list of various research studies and identified four primary elements that, when properly managed, can significantly boost your CSAT scores.

4 Key Factors That Affect Your CSAT

1. A profound understanding of your customer

In today’s customer-centric marketplace, understanding your customer is no longer an option — it’s a requirement. Around 72% of customers expect customer service representatives to be well-versed in their purchase history and previous issues. Thus, it’s crucial to comprehend their journey from their initial brand interaction, learning their behavior at each touchpoint to better anticipate their needs and desires.

Customers feel valued when they realize you know them. When a customer reaches out, it adds a personal touch if the customer service agent greets them by name, acknowledges their purchase history, and knows whether or not they’ve contacted your service before. These personalized experiences are vital; studies have found that 33% of customers will discontinue business relationships due to a lack of personalization.

Feedback also plays a key role in understanding your customers. A staggering 90% of consumers view brands more favorably if they have a platform for voicing their opinions. The ultimate goal is to understand your customers better than your competitors do, so it’s essential to establish feedback loops if they don’t already exist. A strong personal connection to your brand will make your customers happier and more loyal.

2. Offering a multichannel experience

In our digital age, consumers expect seamless customer service experiences across many channels. According to the data, millennials are more likely to engage with brands that offer mobile customer service portals. In fact, a majority of those aged between 18–34 regard social media as a valid customer service channel.

Whether it’s through email, live chat, or social media, offering customer interaction across multiple channels ensures that customers can reach you on their preferred platform. And remember, consistency is just as important as accessibility. Your level of attentiveness should be mirrored across all platforms and provide the same quality of service, no matter where or when a customer contacts you.

Mobile-Friendly CX: A Must-Have for Young Shoppers

As we continue to see a rise in millennial and Gen Z consumers, the demand for mobile-friendly customer service will also increase. A staggering 50% of customers will stop visiting a site if it's not mobile-friendly. Given that 52% of internet traffic originates from mobile devices, it’s clear that investing in mobile service channels is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction.

3. Ensuring prompt and knowledgeable responses

When surveyed about what they consider the most important aspect of customer service, the majority of consumers highlighted the importance of their issue being resolved on the first contact. Coming in a close second was the importance of dealing with a knowledgeable customer service agent.

Through comprehensive training and ongoing education, agents can continue to build their knowledge and strengthen their expertise. CX leaders can also empower their teams by leveraging generative AI-powered agent-assist technology to help keep them in the know and make accessing information more convenient. With customer context readily available, agents can deliver prompt, well-informed, and tailored responses to each customer.


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4. A refined business process

Your policies and processes play a significant role in determining your CSAT score. Often, a shift in policy can be the driving force behind an increase in CSAT scores. It can address the root cause of a common problem or prevent one altogether. When processes are smoothed out to avoid hiccups or delays, customers notice and appreciate it.

Optimizing business processes is essential for providing a seamless customer experience across all platforms. Use data and A/B testing to improve your responses to common issues like exchanges, returns, and shipping problems. Regular audits and evaluations of your key policies and procedures are also essential. Identify the cracks in your system and adjust for significant improvement.

CSAT — A Multi-Layered Metric

Regardless of your current CSAT score, investing time and effort in these four areas can elevate customer satisfaction. By ensuring a deep understanding of your customers, providing a seamless multichannel experience, delivering prompt and knowledgeable responses, and continuously refining your business processes, you’ll create a customer experience that keeps shoppers coming back for more. These efforts will lead to happy customers who stick with your brand and become its biggest advocates. Remember, every small step toward improving customer satisfaction is a leap toward sustainable business growth.


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